Ruby: jedno sretno štene!

Objavljeno u Ljubimci

Jednog lijepog sunčanog dana u ožujku, jedno sretno štene došetalo je u Jelsu popiti kavu sa svojim novim vlasnicima.

Ruby čuva stražu. Ruby čuva stražu. Slika: Vivian Grisogono
Ruby je još jedna uspješna priča iz Centra za životinje Bestie u Kaštel Sućurcu. Navodno je skupa sa svojom braćom i sestrama ostavljena u masliniku i odvedena u Sklonište. Tada zvana Lily, udomila ju je jedna od predanih volonterki Skloništa.
Ruby je na oprezu od stranaca//oprezna prema strancima. Slika: Vivian Grisogono
Nije trebalo dugo da osvoji srca ljubitelja životinja, Nina i Diane, koji su je prekrstili u Ruby. Upravo su se smjestili u Starom Gradu na otoku Hvaru sa željom da tamo pokrenu posao. Rubyin posjet Jelsi 17. ožujka 2020. uslijedio je samo tri dana nakon što su je udomili njeni novi, vrlo brižni vlasnici, i očito se snašla.
Brzo se počela zanimati za svoje novo okruženje, njušeći nove mogućnosti iz sigurnosti svoje novopronađene 'parcele'.
Ruby u sigurnoj blizini svojeg dvonožnog prijatelja. Slika: Vivian Grisogono
Lajala je žestoko, ali bojažljivo kako bi se obranila od ljubitelja životinja koji su se pokušavali sprijateljiti s njom, držeći se što bliže svojim odabranim dvonožnim roditeljima. To je vjerojatno rezultat njezinih prijašnjih iskustva, ali i želje da 'zaštiti' svoje nove skrbnike.
Ruby: „Možda bih trebala zalajati“. Slika: Vivian Grisogono
Već u tih nekoliko dana, Ruby je stvorila snažnu, trajnu vezu sa svojom novom obitelji. Nakon izvršenih obaveza, Dianu je dočekala Ruby poskakujući od oduševljenja - istovremeno otkrivajući svoju tjeskobu što je Diana napustila obitelj. Suočena sa strancem koji drži kameru, pogled joj je bio malo sumnjičav.
Ruby: „Nisam spremna nasmijati se za kameru". Slika: Vivian Grisogono
Brzo se prestala zamarati ovim neobičnim upadom u njezin privatni prostor kada je shvatila da nema opasnosti za njene dvonožne roditelje. Psi razmišljaju drugačije od nas dvonožaca. Uzrok ogromnom entuzijazmu koji pokažu kad nas nakon rastanka ponovno vide, koliko god taj entuzijazam kratak bio, često je njihovo uvjerenje da su oni odgovorni za naše dobro. Kada se to dogodi, govorimo o zamjeni uloga, kada ljubimac osjeća da je i da mora biti gazda. Kako bi se odnos ispravio, vlasnici ljubimaca moraju pokazati da su oni glavni, tako da nema potrebe da se pas brine. Nježnost je ključna
Iskusni dreseri pasa preporučuju samo nekoliko strategija:
- ignorirajte nepoželjno ponašanje što je više moguće,
- svakako izbjegavajte bilo kakvu vrstu fizičkog kažnjavanja;
- izbjegavajte napast da psa mazite u svakom mogućem trenutku, ali dobro ponašanje nagradite prigodnom nagradom ili poslasticom, te lijepim riječima;
- uvijek jedite prije hranjenja ljubimca;
- naučite svog ljubimca da čeka nakon što odložite zdjelicu s hranom sve dok ne date znak da može jesti;
- ignorirajte svog ljubimca kada ga ostavljate jer izlazite vani ili kada se vraćate, bez obzira koliko se trudio privući vašu pažnju;
- i kada ga izvodite vani, uvijek prvi prođite kroz vrata ili kapiju i neka pričeka da slijedi.
Diana i Nino rade sve točno, kako bi pomogli Ruby napredovati, a Ruby uzvraća ljubavlju, odanošću i povjerenjem. Ona će zasigurno nagraditi svoje roditelje s puno zabave i distrakcije tijekom ovog razdoblja čekanja da kriza Covid-19 nestane, dok ponovno ne pokrenu svoj novi posao. Eco Hvar ovom novoformiranom partnerstvu želi puno sreće! Puno hvala svima koji su pomogli da se budućnost ove male skitnice iz tmurne pretvori u svijetlu.
© Vivian Grisogono 2020.
Prijevod: Josip Vlainić
Napomena: ako na bilo koji način možete pomoći Skloništu 'Animalis Centrum', Zaklade Bestie (na primjer donacijom novca, hrane ili opreme, aktivnim volontiranjem, bilo to udomljavanjem ili privremenim čuvanjem životinje u nevolji) obratite se Zakladi putem Facebooka ili nazovite Zvonimira na 097 760 8906.

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Eco Environment News feeds

  • Elnur Soltanov recorded speaking with fake oil and gas group that asked for deals in exchange for sponsoring talks

    The chief executive of Cop29 has been filmed apparently agreeing to facilitate fossil fuel deals at the climate summit.

    The recording has amplified calls by campaigners who want the fossil fuel industry and its lobbyists to be banned from future Cop talks.

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  • The right funding now can protect the frontlines of the climate crisis from the worst effects of extreme weather events

    As we approach Cop29 in Baku, world leaders are due to set a new climate finance goal – a sum set aside to help poor countries cut their greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the effects of the climate crisis. Their negotiations take place against a backdrop of increasingly severe weather events. This year alone, we have witnessed deadly heatwaves across north Africa, Mexico, India and Saudi Arabia; a historic drought across southern Africa; catastrophic wildfires in the Brazilian Pantanal wetlands; record-breaking hurricanes in the Caribbean and the US; and plenty more. The climate emergency knows no borders and spares no one.

    These events serve as stark reminders of the pressing need for world leaders and all of us to protect vulnerable communities on the frontline of the climate crisis. For many developing countries, particularly in Africa, the cost of climate impacts is staggering. African nations are losing up to 5% of their GDP because of climate extremes, while some are diverting as much as 9% of their national budgets to overcome the fallout from them. The latest report by the World Meteorological Organization estimates that Africa south of the Sahara alone will need $30bn-$50bn annually over the next decade just to meet the costs of protecting communities facing unprecedented climate-related disasters. We will not be able to reduce poverty, eliminate hunger and build a prosperous and resilient global community without addressing the climate crisis.

    Ban Ki-moon is a former secretary general of the United Nations and co-chair, Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens

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  • The new president’s disruptive policies will challenge Sir Keir Starmer’s green goals. But with strong leadership he could enhance Britain’s global influence

    Donald Trump’s electoral earthquake in America will complicate Sir Keir Starmer’s plans. Nowhere will the shock of Mr Trump’s win be more intensely felt than in environmental policy. His stance on climate – advocating a US exit from the Paris climate agreement and rallying behind “drill baby drill” – is more disruptive than constructive. This should concentrate Sir Keir’s mind as he heads to Cop29, the UN’s annual climate summit, in Baku, Azerbaijan.

    At last year’s conference, world leaders agreed to “transition away” from fossil fuels in a just and orderly manner for the first time. Mr Trump, however, dismisses the climate crisis as a hoax. With this year likely to be the hottest on record, the devastating effects of global heating are undeniable, as extreme weather batters the planet. Mr Trump may ignore the facts, but the trail of climate-related chaos and destruction speaks for itself.

    Do you have an opinion on the issues raised in this article? If you would like to submit a response of up to 300 words by email to be considered for publication in our letters section, please click here.

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  • Black Mountains, south Wales: I pass statuesque bulls with brass rings through their nostrils, up a twisting ridge to the top

    Holy mountains are ten a penny in the “Celtic realms”, of course, but even among this plethora of landscape spirituality, Skirrid Fawr, at 1,594 feet, stands out, its great distinguishing landslip cleft clearly visible on its weather slope, gothically accentuated and strange.

    I’d viewed it the previous evening, a blue peak with a rockfall on its western scarp. So I ambled towards it on a dank afternoon from the valley of the little Afon Troddi, along delightful paths enlivened now and again by statuesque bulls sporting great brass rings through their nostrils.

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  • On the eve of Cop29 in Baku, António Guterres says dangers are underestimated as irreversible tipping points near

    The world is still underestimating the risk of catastrophic climate breakdown and ecosystem collapse, the UN secretary general has warned in the run-up to Cop29, acknowledging that the rise in global heating is on course to soar past 1.5C (2.7F) over pre-industrial levels in the coming years.

    Humanity is approaching potentially irreversible tipping points such as the collapse of the Amazon rainforest and the Greenland ice sheet as global temperatures rise, António Guterres has said, warning that governments are not making the deep cuts to greenhouse gas emissions needed to limit warming to safe levels.

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  • Farmers’ union to bring 1,800 members to Westminster in protest, but some say mega-rich landowners are the problem

    In the next few weeks tractors full of angry farmers could roll through the stately streets of Westminster. They have had enough, they say. The change to inheritance tax in the government’s budget last week was a blow – but it was also the most recent of a long series of blows. This is, apparently, as much as they can take.

    Rachel Reeves stirred up anger when she made a surprise announcement at the budget that farmland worth more than £1m would be subject to inheritance tax. Since 1992, agricultural property relief (APR) has meant family farms have been passed down tax-free in a policy intended to bolster food security and keep people on the family land.

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  • If Trump’s re-election is getting you down, these innovations in medicine and technology should cheer you up

    Ian Sample

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  • This marvel of nature can survive dehydration for years – but watering it will reveal beautiful green leaves

    Why will I love it?
    The fascinating resurrection plant (Selaginella lepidophylla) is a marvel of nature that can survive extreme dehydration for years by curling into a seemingly lifeless brown, dry ball, only to “resurrect” itself and turn green again when exposed to water.

    Light or shade?
    It thrives in bright, indirect light.

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  • Prospects of strong outcome appear dim but there is hope the talks will address pressing issue of climate finance

    More than 100 heads of state and government are expected to land in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, over the next few days and the first thing they are likely to notice is the smell of oil. The odour hangs heavy in the air, evidence of the abundance of fossil fuels in this small country on the shores of the Caspian Sea.

    Flaring from refineries lights up the night sky, and the city is dotted with diminutive “nodding donkey” oil wells raising and lowering their pistons as they draw from the earth. Even the national symbol is a gas flame, epitomised in the shape of three skyscrapers that tower over the city.

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  • Government must take urgent steps to change UK travel behaviour if carbon dioxide reduction goals are to be met

    Europe-wide research has shown Britons are more willing than most Europeans to reduce their use of cars and aeroplanes – an essential requirement if carbon dioxide reduction targets are to be met.

    During the Covid pandemic, consumption of petrol, diesel and paraffin plummeted as government restrictions forced people to stay at home – the UK had the third-largest reduction after Austria and Sweden.

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  • Doba u kojem živimo obilježeno je sve bržim promjenama koje se name?‡u morskom okolišu, a gotovo za sve odgovorni su ljudi. Obalna zona Sredozemlja, pa tako i našeg Jadranskoga mora,  mjesto je na kojemu obitava više od polovice ukupnog stanovništva Mediterana te zbog toga ovo usko područje predstavlja i jedan od najugroženijih morskih okoliša.

  • U našem dijelu svijeta, koji zovemo zapadnim i smatramo razvijenim, prije samo 50 godina nisu sve žene imale pravo glasa na izborima, nisu imale jednak pristup obrazovanju, nisu mogle voditi države i nisu imale pristup visokim pozicijama u poslovnom svijetu.

  • Gotovo svi su upoznati s činjenicom kako oceani i mora prekrivaju više od 70 % površine Zemlje. Me?‘utim, nedovoljno je prepoznato kako su oceani, mora i obalna područja esencijalni dio Zemljinih ekosustava te kako o njima ovisi cijelo čovječanstvo, bilo na obali ili u dubokoj unutrašnjosti kontinenata! Zašto?

  • Ovaj cilj održivog razvoja odnosi se na ostvarivanje održive proizvodnje i potrošnje u čemu trenutačno ne uspijevamo jer je ekološki otisak koji ostavljamo i dalje ve?‡i od resursa koje imamo na raspolaganju. Dakle, potrebno je promijeniti načine na koji proizvodimo hranu, smanjiti bacanje hrane, pove?‡ati udjele obnovljive izvore energije u ukupnoj proizvodnji energije, pravilno gospodariti otpadom tijekom čitavog njegovog životnog ciklusa kako bi, me?‘u ostalim što manje utjecali na zaga?‘enje zraka, vode i tla.

  • Razvoj industrije i infrastrukture kao temelja za pove?‡anje životnog standarda za sve ljude, uz okolišno prihvatljiva rješenja te uključivanje novih tehnologija tema je cilja održivog razvoja koji se odnosi na okolišno prihvatljivu industrijalizaciju, kvalitetnu, pouzdanu, održivu i prilagodljivu infrastrukturu, a sve uz primjenu novih tehnologija, istraživanja i inovacija.