Sv. Rok, Zaštitnik Pasa

Objavljeno u Ljubimci

Blagdan sv. Roka je 16. kolovoza. Sv. Rok je zaštitnik Starog Grada - i pasa.

Svaka priča ima barem dvije strane, čak i više. Jedan susjed se žalio našoj Udruzi u vezi tih jadnih pasa:

Ovo je e-mail upit putem od:  XXX.
Moj susjed ima kuju i štenadi o kojima se nemože brinuti kao ni o sebi. Životinje se pate a o susjedi su uznemireni . Molim da mi se javite. Hvala. D., 18.07.2014.
Odgovor: Hvala na mailu, ali nije mi jasno što namjeravate napraviti u vezi pasa kod Vašeg susjeda? Eco Hvar 20.07.2014.
Štovani, Mi imamo problem sa smradom, izmetom i dlakama koje sa susjedove terase lete na nas stol za rucavanje. Psi su u jako lošem stanju puni krpelja i buha, neuhranjeni. Smješteni su na susjedovoj terasi na najvećem suncu i laju i cvile bez vode. Postoji li kakva institucija koja ih moze udomiti ili nesto slično? D., 21.07.2014.
Odgovor: Poštovani gospodine XXX, Hvala na mailu i širjem objašnjenju. Žao mi da imate takav problem sa psima od susjeda. Nažalost nema skloništa sve do Šibenika. Doduše, pretpostavljam da vlasniku tih pasa bi bilo žao ako njegovi psi su njemu oduzeti silom. Ne znam da li ste razgovarali sa vlasnikom? Da li znate kako se zove? Jedno rješenje bi bilo da Vi dajete hranu i vodu tim psima sve dok ste tu. Barem tako bi prestali lajati. Mi namjeravamo stvoriti sklonište za životinje n Hvaru, ali procedure će trajati. U međuvremenu, imamo namjeru stvoriti privatno prostor di bismo mogli smjestiti takve pse, ali moramo još graditi ogradu i kučice. Bilo bi dobro ako možete mi reći gdje ste u Hvaru, i kako se zove susjed. Ipak možemo pokušati naći neko rješenje za Vaš problem. S poštovanjem, Eco Hvar 21.07.2014.
Gospodin se zove Dragan živimo u Starigradu kod svetog Petra . Razgovarao sam sa vlasnikom i on je voljan dati pse ako ih tko želi . Poštovanje   Best regards D., 21.07.2014.
Odgovor: Hvala još jednom na pažnju. Bilo bi dobro ako nam možete dati broj telefona ili prezime i adresu za tog Dragana, tako da možemo njega kontaktirati, ako nađemo neko rješenje za pse u budućnosti. Žao mi da nemamo odmah rješenje, ali ovdje na otoku je vrlo teško napraviti dobre uvjete za životinja. Lijepi pozdrav, Eco Hvar 22.07.2014.
Bog Gospodin nema telefon. Dragan živi u Starigradu kod svetog Petra . Dovoljno je kad dodjete da bilo koga upitate za njega u susjedstvu . Ja sa obitelji živim u inozemstvu ali svake godine ljetujemo u svojoj kući i zadnjih par godina je mučenje a ne odmor, ova godina je neizdrživo teško .  Hvala na razumijevanju. Best regards D., 22.07.2014.

Odgovor: Večeras sam bila u Starom Gradu, i sam imala priliku doznati malo više o tim jadnim psima. Ćula sam da jedna gospođa se brine za njih, ukoliko daje njima hranu i vodu, a da su preuzeli korake da bi njih smjestili u skloništu na kopnu. Razgovarat ću sa tom gospođom sutra ako nju dobijem, da znam više iz prve ruke. Lijepi pozdrav, Eco Hvar 23.07.2014.

Gospođa Vesna Lupi se brinula za te pse. Njezin sin Dinko je napisao sljedeći dirljiv tekst na Feisu (tekst je prepisan ovdje uz dozvolu):

" Moj susjed i prijatelj iz djetinstva u Starom Gradu na Hvaru živi na rubu siromaštva. Jedan je od onih koji se nisu snašli u životu punom nedaća, bijede i bolesti. Rijetki su mještani koji mu pomažu, a daleko je više onih koji mu se rugaju, upiru u njega prstom i govore djeci da ga se klone. Jedina radost u njegovom životu bio je Čof, psić kojeg je pronašao i usvojio. Kada biste ga pitali kakvo je to ime, odgovorio bi da ga je dao u čast grčkom filozofu Čofoklu. Kasnije se ispostavilo da je Čof ženka. Tijekom tjeranja ovog proljeća, Čof je pobjegla, i kao rezultat te svoje avanture u svibnju okotila sedam divnih psića. Nijednom psiću nikada nije dao ime, osim Blanki, divnoj čokoladno smeđoj ženki koja se izdvajala po nevjerojatno visokim skokovima u mjestu, kad bi joj se nosila hrana. Osam pasa u kući siromašnog čovjeka navuklo je nevjerojatan gnjev mještana. A on, njihov vlasnik, bio je presretan.

Vjerojatno je po prvi put u životu osjetio što znači imati oko sebe živa bića koja vole. Istina zbog svojih nevolja, on se nije previše mogao brinuti o njima, pa je njihovo hranjenje na sebe preuzela moja mama, koja je time na sebe navukla nevjerojatno okrutne optužbe mještana. Izgleda da je običaj mrziti siromašne i neuspješne, a pogotovo njihove pse i one koji im pomažu. To se potvrdilo i noćas oko tri sata ujutro kada su svi psi otrovani. Ugibali su u najtežim mukama pred očima vlasnika kojeg je glasno gušenje pasa probudilo. Prva je uginula Čof. Glava joj je bila potpuno izobličena, a njuškica prekrivena pjenom. Jedan za drugim odlazili su i psići, a Blanka se najduže borila da preživi, no na kraju uginula je i ona. Susjed plače i zapomaže cijeli dan. Moja mama je izvan sebe. Rijetki su oni mještani koji misle da se noćas u Starom Gradu na Hvaru dogodila tragedija. Puno je više onih koji misle da je tako trebalo biti. "

Novinar Mirko Crnčević je također pisao o događaju u 'Slobodnoj Dalmaciji', i istaknuo kako su ti psi bili 'jedina radost' siromašnog Dragana Silića.

Nama u Udruzi Eco Hvar je izuzetno žao što smo nemoćni u ovakvoj situaciji. Očito treba hitno sklonište za životinje na otoku. Nadležne vlasti svakako bi trebale voditi inicijativu za pomoć životinjama. I hrvatski Zakon o zaštiti životinja bi se trebao poštivati - ili poništiti ako nije u funkciji.



Ljubiteljima ljubimaca nije shvatlivo ni prihvatljivo da netko može njih mučiti ili ubiti bez srama niti milosti. Takvo kazneno djelo je razlog za tugu i za ljutnju. Ali je također prilika za oproštenje. Kad oprostima onima koji nam zlo naprave, to je prava pobjeda dobra nad zlom.

© Vivian Grisogono 2014

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Eco Environment News feeds

  • Lobbyists argued it was unfair for their industry to be treated the same as others as end product – oil and gas – inevitably produced emissions

    Experts have accused the fossil fuel industry of seeking special treatment after lobbyists argued greenhouse gas emissions from oilfields should be treated differently to those from other industries.

    The government is embroiled in a row over whether to allow a massive new oilfield, Rosebank, to go ahead, with some cabinet members arguing it could boost growth and others concerned it could make the goal of reaching net zero emissions by 2050 impossible to reach. Labour made a manifesto commitment to halt new North Sea licensing, but Rosebank and some other projects had already been licensed and were awaiting final approval when the party won the general election.

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  • I’m campaigning for legal protection for cleaner fish, because no one has done a proper assessment of the impact of removing them from Scottish reefs

    I was in my 50s when I first became aware that cleaner fish existed, when I met a fisher who sold them to Scottish salmon farms. Each year, around the world, such farms use more than 60 million cleaner fish to eat – or “clean” – parasites off other fish. But the natural habitat of the cleaner fish is the reef.

    On a reef, each cleaner fish has clients that visit them to have their parasites removed – sometimes much bigger fish or predators such as sharks and rays. I was intrigued to discover the cleaner fish would gently massage these clients with their fins and make sure they were comfortable.

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  • The chemical compounds that block UV rays may lead to bleaching of coral and a decrease in fish fertility

    Urgent investigation is needed into the potential impact sunscreen is having on marine environments, according to a new report.

    Sunscreens contain chemical compounds, known as pseudo persistent pollutants, which block the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays and can lead to bleaching and deformity in coral or a decrease in fish fertility.

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  • Discovery of pest in UK raises fears for Sitka spruce, which accounts for half of country’s commercial plantations

    A beetle that has previously devastated Norway spruce populations across continental Europe has been found to be equally attracted to the Sitka spruce, a finding experts say could have significant implications for commercial forestry.

    The eight-toothed European spruce bark beetle has now been found in the UK, raising fears for the Sitka, which accounts for a quarter of Britain’s forest cover and half its commercial forestry plantations.

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  • Deep Dale, Derbyshire: Hazels are a local speciality, but my favourites are the hawthorns, which are smothered in vegetation from trunk to tip

    The bottom part of this Plantlife reserve, where it meets Monsal Dale, has some of the finest trees I’ve found in the Peak District. Not for their age or massive size, but for what you might call their entangled condition. A recent find is an old pollarded horse chestnut whose sinuous limbs wave wildly, and every one of them is completely moss-and-fern coated.

    If it didn’t also look so tough and monumentally static, the whole thing could easily resemble kelp swaying in the tide. The late Tony Hare, co-founder of the organisation that owns Deep Dale, invented a phrase: “As mad as a tree.” In this instance it feels apt.

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  • Researchers say the animals could keep red deer numbers under control, leading to storage of 1m tonnes of CO2

    Reintroducing wolves in the Scottish Highlands could lead to an expansion of native woodland, which could take in and store 1m tonnes of carbon dioxide a year, researchers have suggested.

    A study led by researchers at the University of Leeds said that reintroducing the species into the Cairngorms, as well as the south-west, north-west and central Highlands could help curb the problem of red deer eating tree saplings, which stops natural woodland regeneration.

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  • Mirrorscape, an intricate sand sculpture by French artist Théo Mercier, is a ghostly scene of decay that resembles the aftermath of a disaster – or perhaps ‘a fossil from the future’

    Théo Mercier, the French visual artist, choreographer and stage director, has spent months in Tasmania taking photos of junk.

    In Mirrorscape, an exhibition that opened on the weekend at Hobart’s Museum of Old and New Art (Mona), he and an international team of expert sculptors – Kevin Crawford, Enguerrand David, Sue McGrew and Leonardo Ugolini – used 80 tonnes of compacted sand to recreate the scenes of decay and detritus he found, serving them as a mirror of our own ruin. It’s a ghostly scene of domestic, environmental and industrial decay in still life, and it’s beautiful.

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  • Despite government efforts, armed groups control many remote areas. Now researchers are caught in the crosshairs

    Raul*, a biologist from Quito, has been leading conservation projects in the Chocó rainforest in north-east Ecuador for more than 20 years. It has not been easy, he says, recalling the threats he has received over the years for reporting illegal hunters and loggers in reserves, but he never considered giving up.

    Last year, however, tensions in the area escalated after violence soared on the country’s coast. Accounts of almost daily killings in the cities of Esmeraldas and Guayaquil emerged as gangs appeared to fight over territory, while forced recruitment in rural areas increased, as did extortions, known locally as vacunas,or vaccines.

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  • The Eaton fire destroyed nearly half of the Black households in Altadena, wiping out businesses and wealth

    A memorial service early this month for three Black victims of the Eaton fire was marked by simmering anger at Donald Trump’s choice not to visit Altadena, a suburb with a historic Black community disproportionately affected by the disaster.

    It’s one of many decisions that have left residents of Altadena, a racially and economically diverse suburb of Los Angeles, worried about political and financial neglect in the aftermath of the fires.

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  • Robert Taylor recently lost his wife to a long-term illness he linked to chemicals produced by a nearby plant, and now the Trump administration is preparing to scrap pollution reforms in the area

    It is only February and already Robert Taylor is facing his second seismic life event of the year.

    Both are wrapped in grief and angst, tied indelibly to the land that surrounds his home in the community of Reserve, Louisiana.

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