Voda bez tragova glifosata, ali nebriga za životinje bode oči!

Objavljeno u Ljubimci

Bilo je burno na Redovnoj skupštini Udruge "Eco Hvar" – za dobrobit ljudi, životinja i okoliša otoka Hvara, a koja se u posljednje vrijeme na nekoliko vrlo čitanih portala bavila prvenstveno temama vezanim za uporabu pesticida kako u javnom, tako i privatnom prostoru.

Ljubimac Puppe sa mladom vlasnicom Paulom Ljubimac Puppe sa mladom vlasnicom Paulom Foto: Vivian Grisogono

▪ Vezano uz uporabu raznih otrova od strane stanovništva moguće je djelovati raznim oblicima informiranja, stalno moramo predočavati dostupna saznanja o njihovoj štetnosti do kojih dolaze brojni znanstvenici u međunarodnim neovisnim institucijama. Dobra je vijest da voda iz javne slavine na jelšanskoj Pjaci ne sadrži ostatke glifosata, sastojaka koje sadrže brojni pesticidi – kazala je Vivian Grisogono, predsjednica Udruge.

Čista voda za piti iz česme u Jelsi. Foto Mirko Crnčević

Naime, lani su krajem ljeta uzeti uzorci vode iz slavine u Jelsi i poslani na analizu u jedan institut u Španjolskoj. Na veliko zadovoljstvo sada su primljeni rezultati koji pokazuju da su uzorci bez tragova glifosata. No, to nije znak da treba bez ikakvog ograničenja i nadalje koristiti sredstva s tim sastojkom, jer su nezavisni instituti EU izrazili ozbiljnju sumnju da su glifosati potencijalno kancerogeni. Srećom, zemljišta na otoku su još toliko živa da se za sada 'uspješno bore' s ostacima otrova. Nadajmo se da će tako biti i nadalje.

Odbačena štenad i mačke

▪ Tijekom prošle godine Udruga se skrbila i o životinjama, jer su ljudi na žalost u tri navrata iz svojih kuća izbacili po sedam štenaca. Pronašli su ih domaći ljudi ili stranci koji su o tome obavijestili Udrugu. Četvero štenaca završilo je u Pitvama, no dobra je vijest da su neki od njih sretno udomljeni, pa čak i u Njemačkoj. Nekoliko stranaca bilo je voljno udomiti ponekog psića, ali to jednostavno nije bilo moguće. Ako čovjek dođe na Hvar avionom i nastavi putovanje, ne možemo očekivati da će sa škoja ponijeti psića – rekla je Grisogono.

Dr. Filipović sa Linom. Foto Vivian Grisogono

Inače, Udruga je uspostavila djelotvornu suradnju s azilom za napuštene životinje u Kaštel Sučurcu koji vrlo dobro vodi doktorica Vesna Filipović. Međutim, jedan od glavnih prioriteta i dalje je projekt izgradnje azila za napuštene pse i mačke na otoku Hvaru. Za tu namjenu Udruga je praktično osigurala zemljište koje je gotovo idealno, a u tijeku je i izrada projektne dokumentacije.

Lina (iz Vrbanja na Hvaru) je našla novi dom u Njemačkoj preko Azila u Kaštel Sučurcu.

Budući da Udruga sva sredstva za svoj rad osigurava isključivo putem donacija članovi vjeruju da će se napokon pronaći i izvori javnih sredstava za aktivnosti koje se tiču zaštite ljudi, okoliša i životinja.

     © Mirko Crnčević 2016.

Grad Hvar: Dr. Mirej Butorović-Dujmović, Šime Buzolić Tome 15a, 21450 Hvar.
Telefon: 00 385 (0)21 88 00 22; mobitel: 00 385 (0)91 533 0530
Stari Grad: Dr Prosper Vlahović, Put Rudine 3, 21460 Stari Gra
Telefon: 00 385 (0)21 244 337
Eco Hvar  donacije: Privredna Banka Zagreb, IBAN: HR37 2340 0091 1106 0678 6; SWIFT CODE: PBZGHR2X
    Račun:: ECO HVAR
    Adresa Udruge: Pitve 93, 21465 Jelsa, Croatia
Zaklada za Zaštitu Životinja, OIB 05786330179.
NAPOMENA, POSEBAN APEL:  ako na bilo koji način možete pomoći Skloništu 'Animalis Centrum', Zaklade Bestie (na primjer donacijom novca, hrane ili opreme, aktivnim volontiranjem, bilo to udomljavanjem ili privremenim čuvanjem životinje u nevolji) obratite se Zakladi putem Facebooka ili nazovite Zvonimira na 097 760 8906.

Dvanaest dobrih razloga da podržite Zakladu za zaštitu životinja Bestie iz Splita.


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Eco Environment News feeds

  • From LNG to drilling in Alaska, here’s everything you need to know about Trump’s energy and climate executive orders

    Through a flurry of executive orders, a newly inaugurated Donald Trump has made clear his support for the ascendancy of fossil fuels, the dismantling of support for cleaner energy and the United States’ exit from the fight to contain the escalating climate crisis.

    “We will drill, baby, drill,” the president said in his inaugural address on Monday. “We have something that no other manufacturing nation will ever have – the largest amount of oil and gas of any country on Earth, and we are going to use it. We’re going to use it.”

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  • Instead of burning or transporting their garden waste, residents of an English village built their own composting site

    In the village of Thrupp, where houses are spread out over steep winding roads in the narrow Frome Valley, it’s difficult for lorries to get through to collect garden waste.

    It leaves some people with the choice of lengthy car trips to a nearby town to take their green waste to a facility, or burning their rubbish in small bonfires that have prompted many irate social media posts.

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  • Mark Avery to stand down from role with Wild Justice but won’t completely give up campaigning, he insists

    If government ministers and civil servants are grey squirrels, they may think they can rest easy – the predatory pine marten in the Westminster jungle is leaving them in peace.

    A campaigner who has “created a landscape of fear” over the authorities’ failure to protect nature is stepping back from Wild Justice to spend more time with the wildlife – and grandchildren – in his garden.

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  • As the captain of a royal research ship, I break ice to get to British stations in the Antarctic. It’s great fun - but getting stuck is always a risk

    I have been working for the British Antarctic Survey since I was 19. I started icebreaking on my first trip to the Antarctic and got hooked. Now I am the captain of the royal research ship Sir David Attenborough and I find icebreaking addictive.

    It’s unique in a maritime career to have the ability, even as a junior officer, to do quite intricate ship handling and manoeuvring at all stages. Ships break the ice continually, 24/7 – so the whole bridge team gets to do it.

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  • A decade ago, up to 1,000 of the apex predators lived in one South African bay. Now they have gone, fleeing from killer whales. But the gap they have left creates problems for other species

    The first carcass of a great white, a small female, washed up in South Africa on 9 February 2017. The 2.6-metre-long body had no hook or net marks, ruling out human involvement. Whatever had killed her had vanished. So too had all the other great white sharks in Gansbaai on the Western Cape, Dr Alison Towner noticed.

    “We had several sharks acoustically tagged, and later realised three had moved as far as Plettenberg Bay and Algoa Bay, more than 500km [300 miles] east,” says the Rhodes University marine biologist.

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  • The Marches, Shropshire: As the ice thins and the paths begin to stick, the ravens and owls are getting busy with their breeding season

    Up on Cyrn y Bwch (Horns of the Buck), known as Old Racecourse Common, a plateau on the edge of the Oswestry Uplands, winter comes and goes in a week. There are still white punctuation marks fallen from the rich quiet of a snow spell that feels dreamlike now as the puddle ice thins to kitchen film and paths turn claggy.

    The thaw is a kind of recall as the past returns. Mounds of heather, the grey, private memories of a heath, like an old tune muffled by bracken and birch. The racecourse grandstand ruins where 18th-century punters watched their fortunes gallop away like horses over the hills. West, the green folds of Powys. East, the sunlit plains of north Shropshire fading towards the Wrekin floating on the horizon. South, a track rolls down through conifers where a small stand of beech and oak are trapped, shadowy apparitions imprisoned in the vertical lines of the plantation.

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  • The original cotton totes have a ‘disarmingly short’ life cycle – so demand is high for a more environmentally friendly version

    This year’s It bag isn’t made by any of the usual designers. And if this bag could talk, it wouldn’t say “calf leather” so much as “wash me at 40C”. What’s more, in an ideal world, you would never want to buy another again.

    The “forever tote” is big business. Usually made from calico, an unbleached cotton designed to be reused, it’s similar to the cotton bags you have balled up at the bottom of a drawer, except it’s sturdy, with a reinforced base and handles, sometimes a pocket, often coloured (Yves Klein blue seems especially popular), and always conspicuously branded with logos. Demand is high.

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  • Many palm species in the city are receptive to embers, hard to extinguish – and probably helped spread the fires

    When the Los Angeles wildfires broke out on the morning of 7 January, some of the most dramatic images were of palm trees set ablaze along Sunset Boulevard. In the days that followed, burning palms became a symbol to illustrate what may be the costliest wildfires in history, which left at least 25 dead and destroyed thousands of structures.

    The trees are icons of the city. They also played a role in spreading the flames, researchers and fire officials say.

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  • Fans of the flower – known as Putricia – say they are ‘obsessed’ with the plant, although they have ‘never smelt that before’

    In Sydney, word is spreading: a rare endangered plant named after a deformed penis is beginning to unfurl.

    Outside Sydney’s Royal Botanic Garden greenhouse on Thursday, a diverse crowd of hundreds has formed. International tourists wait expectantly by families and young, trendy couples. Babies are everywhere.

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  • Acronyms, in-jokes and online fan clubs spring up as viewers across the globe prepare for Sydney’s first corpse bloom in 15 years – from a safe distance

    In a Sydney greenhouse, a tall pointed flower is about to bloom for the first time in years.

    To the scientific community, the Botanic Gardens of Sydney’s corpse flower is known as amorphophallus titanum, which translates to large, deformed penis. But online, the rare endangered plant has taken on a new name: Putricia.

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Novosti: Biologija.com

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