Luki je pronašao prve orhideje!

Luki je jedan od najsretnijih pasa otoka Hvara i jedan od najvećih hvarskih ljubitelja prirode. 15. ožujka nanjušio je rane orhideje nedaleko od Vrboske.

Orhideje, 15. ožujka 2020. Orhideje, 15. ožujka 2020. Photo: Ivica Drinković

Luki je uvijek u potrazi za lijepim cvijećem a rani ožujak je vrijeme kada skromno cvijeće počne pokazivati svoje boje. Uočivši 6. ožujka na svojim šetnjama diskretne biljke Iris tuberosa, uživao je i na livadi divljih cvjetova prepunu divljih anenima.

Luki među divlčjim cvijećem. Foto: Ivica Drinković

8. ožujka odlučio je da će savršen poklon damama za Međunarodni dan žena biti divlje šparoge - kuhanjem će imati što činiti!

Luki sa svojim stručkom netom ubranih divljih šparoga. Foto: Ivica Drinković

Zatim je 15. ožujka po prvi put ove godine opazio orhideju.

Ophrys liburnica. Foto: Ivica Drinković

Frank Verhart, ljubitelj orhideja, još nam je jednom vrlo ljubazno napravio identifikaciju:  “pretpostavio bih da je ovo Ophrys liburnica s obzirom da je ovo jedna od najranijih vrsta. Jedna fotografija prikazuje visoku biljku u punom cvatu sredinom ožujka. Ovo samo po sebi gotovo isključuje ostale vrste. Kada sam 2015. prolazio pored Vrboske, primijetio sam da je ovo jedna od učestalijih vrsta u tom području. Ophrys liburnica opisana je 2004. godine i prethodno smatrana običnim Ophrys sfegodama (rana Kokica paučica) koji se pojavljuju sjeverno do Engleske (litice Dover). Na  strani 63 u Golubićevoj knjizi Orhideje Dalmacije”.

Ophrys liburnica. Foto: Ivica Drinković

Pišući dok pandemija gripe Covid-19 zahvaća Europu i zaustavlja sve društvene i komercijalne aktivnosti, Franka rastužuje šteta koju ljudi nanose planetu te općeniti nedostatak brige za prirodu i divlje životinje. Nije jedini. U mjestima i gradovima situacija je za mnoge gotovo nepodnošljiva. Na Hvaru je kriza zahvatila stanovništvo, ali u manjoj mjeri, jer je prostora više a ljudi je manje. Otočani su osobito ponosni načinom na koji se ministar zdravstva, Dr. Vili Beroš, rodom iz Jelse, nosi s krizom uvodeći logične (i stroge) kontrolne mjere istovremeno zadržavajući mirnoću dok je posve realan i otvoren glede neizbježnog širenja bolesti. Tijekom Domovinskog rata 1991.-1995. godine, Dr. Beroš, tada mladi neurokirurg, pokazivao je jednake kvalitete predanosti i humanosti prema velikom broju ozbiljno bolesnih i ranjenih pacijenata bolnice sestara Milosrdnica u Zagrebu. Njegovo imenovanje ministrom zdravstva došlo je u pravo vrijeme jer je zasigurno spasio Hrvatsku od nekih od najgorih učinaka virusa Covid-19 iako se širenje istog ne može zaustaviti.

Luki uživa u gldanju "s visoka"! Foto: Ivica Drinković

Uz pokoju žestoku oluju, početak 2020. godine na Hvaru uglavnom je bio blag, pružajući smirenu atmosferu kao protutežu bilo kakvoj panici koja se uzdizala kako se pandemija bližila. Sunce sja a proljetna ljepota otoka neprestano se razvija. Luki istražuje hvarska sela, igrajući se s najboljim prijateljima i suputnicima Špirom i Đurom, istovremeno ukazujući na velike darove prirode.

Luki pored hvarskog ribnjaka, privremeno "jezero". Foto: Ivica Drinković

Ovo je doba godine kada se Hvar može doživjeti u njegovom najboljem izdanju, što Luki itekako zna!

Luki promatra sv. Nedilju. Foto: Ivica Drinković

Stijene na hvarskim padinama vrlo se jasno ističu.

Kamena ljepota. Foto: Ivica Drinković

 Za pogled na hvarsko more treba se malo namučiti. Luki se snalazi u svom naumu i živi dan po dan, ali možda, samo možda, želi i nada se da će ljetno kupanje ubrzo biti dio dnevnog programa!

Jadranska sreća. Foto: Ivica Drinković

Izrazito smo zahvalni Lukiju i njegovom dvonožnom “roditelju” Ivici što dijele svoje sretne trenutke s nama i ostatkom svijeta. Lukijev blistavi osmjeh osvijetli i najmračniji dan za što je uvelike zaslužna ljubaznost i briga koju mu je Ivica pružio od trenutka kada ga je spasio života na lancu.

Luki, najstretniji pas. Foto: Ivica Drinković

© Vivian Grisogono MA(Oxon) 2020.

Prijevod Dinka Barbić

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Eco Environment News feeds

  • Wheat haul in England estimated to be down by 21%, with Britain’s wine producers also hit hard

    England has suffered its second worst harvest on record – with fears growing for next year – after heavy rain last winter hit production of key crops including wheat and oats.

    The cold, damp weather, stretching from last autumn through this spring and early summer, has hit the rapidly developing UK wine industry particularly hard, with producers saying harvests are down by between 75% and a third, depending on the region.

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  • With clean air projects receiving just 1% of aid, activists say nations ‘cannot continue polluting practices at expense of climate stability’

    Foreign aid for fossil fuel projects quadrupled in a single year, a report has found, rising ​​from $1.2bn in 2021 to $5.4bn in 2022.

    “This shocking increase in aid funding to fossil fuels is a wake-up call,” said Jane Burston, CEO of nonprofit the Clean Air Fund, which conducted the research. “The world cannot continue down this path of propping up polluting practices at the expense of global health and climate stability.”

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  • As average population falls reach 95% in some regions, experts call for urgent action but insist ‘nature can recover’

    Global wildlife populations have plunged by an average of 73% in 50 years, a new scientific assessment has found, as humans continue to push ecosystems to the brink of collapse.

    Latin America and the Caribbean recorded the steepest average declines in recorded wildlife populations, with a 95% fall, according to the WWF and the Zoological Society of London’s (ZSL) biennial Living Planet report. They were followed by Africa with 76%, and Asia and the Pacific at 60%. Europe and North America recorded comparatively lower falls of 35% and 39% respectively since 1970.

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  • Badenoch, Cairngorms: Graceful as a folk tale queen, they’re throwing out their arms, feathery green and bearing clusters of bright red berries

    The early October forest is at the turning point, that enchanted time of year when everything is changing form and colour. It havers, slipping backwards and forwards across the threshold between dark and light, the underworld of woodsy rot and the sky-song of geese, the realms of substance and spirit.

    Last night, the stars were fiercely bright and this morning we woke to frost. It still clings to the shadowed hollows of the ground cover and the lacework of spider webs. Higher up, the trees are stirring softly, like a great mystery is coming. The cascading birch boughs are tinged with yellow, the upright aspens a spangling of gold, paper-thin coins trembling against the high blue.

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  • Prof Pedro Arrojo-Agudo says regulator Ofwat ‘complacent’ about water firms putting their shareholders before public

    The privatised English water system has been singled out for criticism by the UN special rapporteur on the human right to clean water.

    Prof Pedro Arrojo-Agudo said water systems should be managed as a publicly owned service, rather than run by private companies set up to benefit shareholders.

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  • The Joides Resolution has contributed to our understanding of climate crisis, the origin of life, earthquakes and eruptions. But funding cuts mean it may have sailed its last expedition

    In the early summer of this year, a ship set sail around the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard. But this wasn’t any ordinary ship. For almost 40 years the Joides Resolutiondrilled into the ocean floor to collect samples and data that helped scientists to study Earth’s history and structure. Expeditions on the vessel have made a vital contribution to our understanding of the climate crisis, the tectonic plates theory, the origin of life on Earth and natural hazards such as earthquakes and eruptions. Yet the two-month voyage around Svalbard was to be its last.

    The National Science Foundation (NSF), the US agency that provided scientists at Texas A&M University with funds for the ship, announced last year it would not give money for the drilling vessel past September 2024. It was a declaration that shocked the global scientific community and meant that Svalbard would be the ship’s final outing.

    The vibration isolated television is attached to the drillpipe and is used to image the seafloor before drilling begins. Photograph: Lisa Crowder/IODP JRSO

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  • Illness had robbed me of my health, my confidence and my joy. But when my mum brought me something to care for, I regained my sense of purpose

    The life I loved came to an abrupt end when I was diagnosed with severe myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), also known as chronic fatigue syndrome, in 1997. For years, my world revolved around bedpans, bed baths, wheelchairs and stairlifts. Then an unexpected gift began to revive a sense of joy I thought I had lost for ever.

    I grew up in a gardening-mad household. As a child, I would help my dad tend his prize roses, rake the lawn and carry home the weird-looking leeks and cauliflowers he grew on his allotment. He was my hero and I was never far from his side until he died when I was just 11. From that moment on, gardening lost its appeal: the memories were just too painful. I turned my back on all things green.

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  • Firefighters are stoic about the risks they face but say climate change has affected every part of the job

    A short drive and a world away from the tourist-thronged old town of Split, past retirees clambering out of cruise ships and stag parties stumbling into beachside bars, Ivan Sanader studied a smouldering hillside that stank of smoke.

    The night before, he had fought a fire that charred the slope and threatened to engulf a roadside restaurant. Now, the commander of a mobile firefighter centre in Croatia was issuing orders to stop it flaring back up.

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  • This year’s damp high season wasn’t terrible, just typical – but now we judge it against the scorching temperatures of the 2020s

    By general consensus the British summer of 2024 was a bit rubbish – even though the numbers say it was about average. What is behind this clash of perceptions? The Met Office socio-meteorologist Helen Roberts says it is because recent hot summers have changed our expectations.

    “There have been multiple heatwaves in recent years, including the unprecedented extreme heat in 2022 as well as the long, hot lockdown summer of 2020,” says Roberts. She says that two psychological effects, recency bias and the availability heuristic – in which we perceive things through the lens either of recent events or memories that spring readily to mind – “mean we get used to these extremes and then expect more of the same”.

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  • As Hurricane Milton approaches many cities were largely deserted but some people decided to shelter in place

    Most left when they were told to. But some chose to stay, even though officials warned Hurricane Milton would turn their homes into coffins.

    Along Florida’s Gulf coast, where millions of people were urged to get out of harm’s way, cities were largely deserted on Wednesday afternoon as time ran out to evacuate. Those who remained were advised to shelter in place as best they could. Others who fled spoke of their dread at what, if anything, they would return to once the storm had passed.

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  • Doba u kojem živimo obilježeno je sve bržim promjenama koje se name?‡u morskom okolišu, a gotovo za sve odgovorni su ljudi. Obalna zona Sredozemlja, pa tako i našeg Jadranskoga mora,  mjesto je na kojemu obitava više od polovice ukupnog stanovništva Mediterana te zbog toga ovo usko područje predstavlja i jedan od najugroženijih morskih okoliša.

  • U našem dijelu svijeta, koji zovemo zapadnim i smatramo razvijenim, prije samo 50 godina nisu sve žene imale pravo glasa na izborima, nisu imale jednak pristup obrazovanju, nisu mogle voditi države i nisu imale pristup visokim pozicijama u poslovnom svijetu.

  • Gotovo svi su upoznati s činjenicom kako oceani i mora prekrivaju više od 70 % površine Zemlje. Me?‘utim, nedovoljno je prepoznato kako su oceani, mora i obalna područja esencijalni dio Zemljinih ekosustava te kako o njima ovisi cijelo čovječanstvo, bilo na obali ili u dubokoj unutrašnjosti kontinenata! Zašto?

  • Ovaj cilj održivog razvoja odnosi se na ostvarivanje održive proizvodnje i potrošnje u čemu trenutačno ne uspijevamo jer je ekološki otisak koji ostavljamo i dalje ve?‡i od resursa koje imamo na raspolaganju. Dakle, potrebno je promijeniti načine na koji proizvodimo hranu, smanjiti bacanje hrane, pove?‡ati udjele obnovljive izvore energije u ukupnoj proizvodnji energije, pravilno gospodariti otpadom tijekom čitavog njegovog životnog ciklusa kako bi, me?‘u ostalim što manje utjecali na zaga?‘enje zraka, vode i tla.

  • Razvoj industrije i infrastrukture kao temelja za pove?‡anje životnog standarda za sve ljude, uz okolišno prihvatljiva rješenja te uključivanje novih tehnologija tema je cilja održivog razvoja koji se odnosi na okolišno prihvatljivu industrijalizaciju, kvalitetnu, pouzdanu, održivu i prilagodljivu infrastrukturu, a sve uz primjenu novih tehnologija, istraživanja i inovacija.