Summer birds returning, 2014

This morning, May Day, I heard my first golden oriole of this year. Known in Croatian as 'vuga', the golden oriole is easier to hear than to catch a glimpse of.
They sing a loud clear tune, or make a chattering, slightly rasping sound according to what they're doing. I am told the more guttural chatter means they're establishing their territorial rights againt rivals. The birds come to Pitve slightly later than other parts of the island, or perhaps I just didn't notice them. Steve Jones, an enthusiastic and experienced bird watcher, spotted them in the Dol area about three days ago, and even managed to photograph them. That is a rare treat, as they have a way of sitting in some conveniently dense leaved tree singing tantalisingly but keeping out of sight, and then suddenly swooping out in a flash of bright yellow which is almost impossible to follow with the eye, never mind with a camera. The spring birds are a delight on Hvar, and we at Eco Hvar are doing our best to preserve their habitats and persuade people to do away with the pesticides which threaten the birds' continued presence among us.

Go Hvar go - ORGANIC!

© Vivian Grisogono 2014

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