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About Animals

Azriel, a very lucky cat

Published in About Animals
A forlorn stray cat had the good luck to fall on all four paws at the Petar Hektorović Elementary School in Stari Grad.

Lassie's journey

Published in About Animals

A little dog wandering around the centre of Jelsa, lost, bewildered and frightened, had no way of knowing how her luck was about to turn.

Animals and a Kinder World

Published in About Animals

The feast day of St. Francis of Assisi is celebrated on October 4th each year, which is also World Animal Day.

Street cats: a new opportunity

Published in About Animals

Thanks to Jelsa Mayor Nikša Peronja, Jelsa's stray cats have been given a new chance to survive and thrive in peace.

Cats, Friends, Helpers

Published in About Animals

Eco Hvar is sometimes criticized for doing too little - or even nothing - to help the island's innumerable needy cats and kittens. In fact there are lots of residents around the island, locals and incomers, who consistently do their utmost to help.

Dog safety

Published in About Animals

Lost or abandoned? It's all too easy for a dog to get lost, often much harder to find it.

Cat Feeding Stations

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We are delighted to see our cat feeders being put to good use! The initiative is developing slowly but surely.

Luki, Guardian of Hvar's Treasures: Galešnik

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Lucky Luki revels joyfully in his explorations of Hvar's boundless beauties. The Galešnik fortress in the hill to the south above Jelsa is one of his regular haunts.

Luki Guardian of Hvar's Treasures: Tor

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Luki and his human minder Ivica are keeping the old footpaths viable: Jelsa's historic Tor is one of their favourite destinations.

Luki, Guardian of Hvar's Treasures: Poljica

Published in About Animals

There's nothing Luki likes better than exploring the lesser known areas of Hvar Island. The eastern region is largely overlooked and (mercifully) underdeveloped, so it is perfect territory for Luki and his friends.

Luki, Guardian of Hvar's Treasures: St. Luke's Chapel

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Luki and his two-legged pet parent Ivica love their native land deeply and unreservedly.

St. Rocco, Patron Saint of Dogs

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August 16th is the feast of St. Rocco, the patron saint of dogs.

Luki's new bootees: a summer must!

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Dog owners be warned! In Dalmatia's hot summers, dog paws may need protecting.

Annie's Story

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Sometime in early November 2018, a bitch was dumped by the roadside above Jelsa, not far from the Medical Services Clinic, with her five puppies.

Donkeys, horses, lessons in patience

Published in About Animals

Donkeys have served humankind since time immemorial. The donkey is a symbol of Dalmatia.

Goats' Play

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Vrisnik is a village which boasts many animals. Goats are among the most prized.

Dogs as friends

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Dogs in a loving home become friends with their owners. They say that anyone who doesn't like animals doesn't like humans either.

Cats, music, fun

Published in About Animals

Cats and music both give pleasure to many. Combine the two...pure joy for cat and music lovers!

A Beloved Pony in Svirče

Published in About Animals

This is the story of a pony who has captivated the hearts of all around him in the quiet inland village of Svirče on Hvar. He is a walking symbol of unconditional love!

Hunting Dog Rescued: A Lucky Escape

Published in About Animals

The hunting season on Hvar lasts from October to January, the busy season for hunting dogs.

Ruby, a lucky puppy!

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On a lovely sunny March day, a lucky puppy visited Jelsa for a coffee break with her new owners.

Puppy love

Published in About Animals

Luck intervened when a puppy was left to its fate on wasteland near Split on a hot day in July.

Rocky, a happy rescue dog

Published in About Animals

Not all dogs live the life of Riley in Dalmatia, but some are luckier than others. Here Rocky tells his story.

Bobi, the dog who didn't need to die

Published in About Animals

Bobi roamed free in Jelsa for several years. His sudden death carries a warning.

The Trouble With Cats

Published in About Animals

The sufferings of Hvar's cats blight an otherwise happy visit to Hvar.

Nola, a happy rescue tale

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Nola, a type of Siberian husky, had an unpromising start to her young life.

Dona - happy dog!

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Dona finds a good home, three years on.

Negra needs a home!

Published in About Animals

Beautiful, intelligent, good-natured and lively, Negra will bring joy to the right owner.

Maza, The Dog Who Came Home

Published in About Animals

From Skittish Stari Grad Street Dog to Alpha Canine Queen of Dol, Sveta Ana. Evening Lategano of the Suncrokret Body and Soul Retreat in Dol tells the story of Maza's rescue.

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