Charity: Official

Charity: Official

Eco Hvar welcomes everyone who wishes to support our work in any way. There are no membership fees. If you wish to become involved, or simply to demonstrate support of our aims, please print out and fill in the application form and post it back to our address: Pitve 93, 21465 Jelsa, Croatia / Hrvatska. For speed, you can email us your details, or scan the signed form back to us on our email contact address, although the original is appreciated!

Na temelju članka 11. Zakona o udrugama (Narodne novine br. 88/01) grupa građana kao Osnivačka Skupština Udruge ECO HVAR iz Jelse, na sjednici održanoj dana 10.06.2013. godine u Jelsi, usvojila je kao osnivački akt

MINUTES From the 11th Annual General Meeting of the non-profit Association 'Eco Hvar', held on June 12th 2024 at 17:00 at the 'Splendid Cafe' in Jelsa.

From the 10th Annual General Meeting of the non-profit Association 'Eco Hvar', held on June 17th 2023 at the 'Splendid Cafe' in Jelsa.
From the 9th Annual General Meeting of the non-profit Association 'Eco Hvar', held on June 1st 2022 at the 'Splendid Cafe' in Jelsa.

MINUTES from the Election Meeting held on March 23rd 2022 at the Kušaona 409 cafe/wine bar in Jelsa.

MINUTES from the 8th Annual General Meeting of 'ECO HVAR', held at 09:30 on June 28th 2021, at the Cafe Splendid, Jelsa

MINUTES from the 6th Annual General Meeting of 'ECO HVAR', held on June 24th 2019 at the Cafe Splendid in Jelsa

MINUTES from the 7th Annual General Meeting of 'ECO HVAR', held on June 27th 2020, at the Cafe Splendid, Jelsa

MINUTES FROM THE EXTRAORDINARY MEETING OF 'ECO HVAR' held on 22nd February 2019 in the Café Splendid in Jelsa

MINUTES from the 5th Annual General Meeting of 'ECO HVAR' which was held on 4th June 2018 at the Cafe Splendid in Jelsa.

MINUTES from the Extraordinary Meeting OF 'ECO HVAR' held on 23rd August 2017 in the Café Splendid in Jelsa

The Fourth Annual General Meeting of 'ECO HVAR' was held on 17th June 2017 in the Cafe Splendid, Jelsa.

The third Annual General Meeting of 'Eco Hvar' was held on 28th May 2016 in the Cafe Splendid in Jelsa.

The Charity's 2nd Annual General Meeting was held on June 19th 2015 at the Cafe Splendid in Jelsa.

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