In line with the national rodent suppression programme (deratizacija), poison baits were spread around the Car Testing Station in Vrbanj on Wednesday 22nd March 2023. The poison cubes were placed not only inside the building, but also round the outside.
They were thrown alongside the walls of the building, but also further away into the shrubbery, where they can't be seen.
As there was no protective casing to prevent other larger animals, particularly dogs and cats, from eating the bait, we would warn people not to let their pets loose anywhere in the area. The operator claimed that the bait would not do 'much' harm to dogs or cats, but refused to reveal what the poison was. However, the reassurance was unconvincing: if it kills rats, the poison must be dangerous for other animals.
As Ratimor products are now banned in Croatia, the product was likely to be one based on zinc phosphide, for which two products are authorized in Croatia: Arvalin and Ratron GL. Zinc phosphide is highly toxic to aquatic environments, toxic to birds and mammals including humans, and is also suspected of causing harm to human reproduction and development. Operators handling the poisons have to wear protective clothing, gloves and eye protection.